Update: We now have a direct relationship with Audible and do not use ACX at any point in our process. You can also set the retail price on Audible and may be eligible for preorder campaigns.
Audible Distribution Options:
1. Exclusive Distribution
Distribute your audiobook exclusively to Audible and Amazon! You will receive a higher royalty rate than our other options. Other perks include the exclusive “Only on Audible” banner, potential marketing opportunities, and more!
2. Non-Exclusive Distribution
Going “wide” means that your audiobook is sent to an additional 50+ retailers and libraries. From online stores, to physical CDs, to library rentals, your audiobook has the opportunity to reach listeners from around the world in a multitude of ways.
3. Exclusive Distribution for 6 months, then Non-Exclusive Distribution (recommended)
With Audiobooks Unleashed, you can elect to make your audiobook an Audible Exclusive and then switch to wide distribution after a minimum of 6 months.
The best part is that you can do this with any kind of agreement: PFH, Royalty Split, Royalty Hybrid, Royalty Deferred, or even your own custom agreement! You name it, we’ll make it happen.
Does it matter to you if I want my audiobook to be an Audible Exclusive?
Not at all! You need to choose the best option for you, and you can always shoot us a message if you have more questions. We know it can be a big step going with wide distribution for the first time and are here to help!